Please join us for a time of prayer in our sanctuary…
Join us electronically (below) or in person!

The sanctuary is open most days for quiet times of prayer.
If you would like to schedule an evening time contact Pastor.
Email: or call: 651-470-3028

Consider praying for:
Those who are ill, hospitalized, receiving treatments, therapies…
Those unemployed or underemployed
The cares, wants and desires of your heart
Those who are older and alone
Those experiencing stress, mental issues and disorders

Some people choose the go through our membership roaster and pray for each family naming each person

Sometimes when you don’t know what to pray for its ok to simply sigh and place the whole situation in God’s hands

Use the Lord’s Prayer

Read a section of God’s Word and pray for the topics/issues it relates to

Focus on a hymn

Join us electronically in our Sanctuary…

Provided below are six different hymns that were filmed and recorded in our sanctuary to give length or focus to your prayers. I am hoping that if you are unable to be with us in our sanctuary, for whatever reason, that the familiar sights and sounds are comforting and assuring.

Link to our Prayer Chain!

At Lord of the Lakes we have a very active Prayer Chain.
Actually, its not so much of a chain but a link - an email link between the church and you!
Email are sent out and you pray when and where you get them.